【英國留學 - 最新消息】
根據英國移民簽證署在7月14日公告,自2015年8月3日起,禁止持有Tier 4學生簽證並就讀「公立學院」(publicly funded colleges)的學生在英期間打工,也不能直接在英國境內延簽或轉換為工作簽證。
就讀「高等院校」(Higher Education Institutions / universities)的學生並無影響噢!! 透過政策的修改,英國政府希望能降低濫用移民簽證系統,減少以留學之名行其他如工作或長期居住申請居留之意;並且維護英國教育品質,持續地鼓勵國際學生赴英求學,也為學生需求協助提供就業平台。
News story
Tier 4 visas: Immigration Rules changes
UK Visas and Immigration is making changes to student visas.

The government announced changes to the Immigration Rules on 13 July. Many of these affect Tier 4 of the points-based system.
The main changes will:
stop new students at publicly funded colleges from working, bringing them in line with those at private colleges (from August)
allow university students to study a new course at the same level but only where there’s a link to their previous course or the university confirms that this supports their career aspirations. There will be credibility interviews and sanctions against universities who abuse this rule (from August)
ban college students from extending their Tier 4 visas in the UK unless they are studying at an ‘embedded college’, one which has a formal, direct link to a university that is recognised by the Home Office. This will require them to leave and apply for a new visa from outside the UK if they wish to study another course (from November)
ban college students from being able to switch visas to Tiers 2 or 5 in the UK, and require them to apply from outside the UK (from November)
reduce the time limit for study at further education level from 3 years to 2 years. This brings the maximum period into line with the length of time British students generally spend in further education (from November)
stop Tier 4 dependants from taking a low or unskilled job, but allow them to take part-time or full-time skilled work (from the autumn)
These changes will help reduce immigration abuse ensuring the UK maintains a competitive offer and attracts the brightest and best international students. The UK continues to welcome genuine students to our world class universities.